MERICS Workshop: Taiwan conflict scenarios - Assessing and mitigating impacts for Germany
MERICS is delighted to host a closed-door workshop on the topic of: “Taiwan conflict scenarios: Assessing and mitigating impacts for Germany”. After initial inputs from MERICS experts, participants will discuss a number of scenarios for the future of the China-Taiwan conflict and potential implications for Europe, with a special focus on German companies.
Extreme uncertainty in the Taiwan Strait requires de-risking and higher levels of preparedness. Frequent military drills have become the new normal. China under Xi Jinping currently seems more intransigent on all issues related to Taiwan’s international status. Beijing’s posture is shaped by a mix of domestic pressures, the trajectory of China’s relations with the US and China’s assessment of its military capabilities as well as lessons learned from the war in Ukraine.
A major escalation of the Taiwan conflict would trigger a global economic crisis and massive supply chain break-downs. But even less severe escalation scenarios could have extremely worrying ramifications for the stability of the global economy, particularly for semiconductors and ICT supply chains, exposing European companies to a more challenging environment. Corporate and political leaders need to prepare for a range of scenarios, accounting for developments in China, the United States, and Taiwan as well as wider geopolitical trends.
MERICS experts Bernhard Bartsch, Antonia Hmaidi, Mikko Huotari, Helena Legarda, Claudia Wessling and Max Zenglein will provide initial inputs and then lead an interactive workshop.
Our workshop will be held in a closed circle of MERICS Members and key stakeholders and provides a platform for a confidential, in-depth discussion among peers of the most relevant dynamics.