YCW-MERICS Oxford-style Debate: Be careful what you wish for! Trump or Harris - Who is better for European China Policy?
Alte Jakobstraße 85-86
10179 Berlin
The Berlin chapter of Young China Watchers (YCW) and MERICS organised an Oxford-style debate on the impact of the U.S. Presidential Elections on European China Policy: “Be careful what you wish for! Trump or Harris – Who is better for European China Policy?”
We were delighted that four excellent colleagues formed teams of two and argued how a White House led by Trump or Harris would affect Europe’s China policies in the coming years. Jacob Gunter (MERICS), Bernhard Bartsch (MERICS), Ferdinand Schaff (YCW/BDI) and Abigael Vasselier (MERICS) pitched their tents in the Trump or Harris camp and tried to convince the audience that their candidate gives Europe the better outlook on dealing with the challenges posed by China. Before and after the debate, the audience was polled; the percentage change between the first and second votes determined the debate’s winning team.
Please note that the event was by personal invitation only.