MERICS Web Seminar: China as an AI superpower? Quantifying China’s AI progress against the US and Europe
Artificial Intelligence is among the transformative technologies of our age and will be a key pillar of national power. Much reporting on the global development of AI portrays it as a race between the US and China, leaving other countries out of the picture. But is this really the case?
Two outstanding panelists discussed their work on quantifying the actual state of China’s AI development and prospects relative to the US, namely Jeffrey Ding, DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford and China lead for the Centre for the Governance of AI, and Lorand Laskai, J.D. candidate at Yale Law School and Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET).
They were followed Professor Hans Uszkoreit, Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), who provided an expert opinion on these issues from a European perspective. MERICS Senior Analyst and head of the Digital Cluster John Lee moderated the event that also included a Q&A round.