Mercator Institute for China Studies
Alte Jakobstrasse 85-86
10179 Berlin
+49 30-3440 999-0
Represented by its Management Board
Dr. Mikko Huotari (Executive Director); Dr. Markus Piduhn (Managing Director)
Domicile of the company: Berlin
Registered at the District Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 150625
Responsible for editorial content:
Claudia Wessling (Director Communications and Publications)
Design & realization: www.goldland-media.com
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Photography credits
Photographs in China:
Jan Siefke, ImagineChina, picture alliance, 123rf.com
Photographs of buildings:
Stefan Lucks
Employee photographs:
Marco Urban
Jan Siefke
Bettina Ausserhofer